Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dear Dad

I told you last time I saw you that Phil and I were struggling with the thought of losing our parents. Something about Phil reaching 50 made us take notice and realize that that day would come seemingly in a blink of an eye. I wondered what life would be like without you. Well, now I know. I'm wishing you were here to watch me continue to try to make sense of this life and to encourage me to find joy where I can. I'm sad today, wanting. "It's good to want," you would say. You are gone. You were an anchor and now I'm adrift. How do I enjoy that?


  1. I'm so sorry you're hurting Danielle. I had to get up and change my place before I could reply to you. I'm right there with you so I can only offer the company that misery loves.

  2. By "It's good to want things", I know Mike was repeating a line from the movie, "Edward Scissorshands" (that title may or may not be exact). My take on that comment is that Mike felt it was a good thing to be always looking forward, seeking whatever we want that is just out of reach, continuing to grow and learn and getting on with whatever life had in store for us next. He also got a kick out of saying it whenever the opportunity arose :) Of course I always cry whenever I realize how much I miss his laughter.
