Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Grape Nuts

Eating my yogurt, blueberries and GoLean Crunch this morning made me think of Dad and GrapeNut cereal. Dad discovered it in the 80s (when it first came out?). We didn't buy a lot of different kinds of cold cereal (when Miki and Marty were home, none at all that I remember and when Eric and I were in high school--Wheaties, maybe Rice Crispies, sometimes Cheerios). GrapeNuts was pricey. So what did Dad do? He figured out how to make them himself....a crunchier version that only he would eat but they tasted very much like the real deal. He made a yummy noise that I'll never forget.

1 comment:

  1. I'd forgotten all about that cereal, Danielle! I can't hear the yummy noise, but it's nice to think of Dad making it.
